Press Releases and Publicity …
I am very grateful for the amazing support I have received, not only from friends and family but also from the public.
Previous to Bogensholm opening, a local journalist, Martin Shultz, came to meet with Odd and I to hear about the property and my art work. We then had a great article published in the Addresseavisen newspaper.
We were very excited to also see our Bogensholm advertisement published in the newspaper next to Paul McCartney. It was great placement :)
The Northern Advocate published a story about my journey to Denmark in the features section on Saturday 16th July as well as on The Northland Age website. I am very grateful for the local support I am continuously receiving in Northland and New Zealand.
Once I return to New Zealand, I look forward to sharing my experiences with other artists, predominantly in my rural area of Hokianga, a place that is already getting a name for ‘good’ art. I am keen to pass on my ideas, experiences and to inspire other rural isolated artists to step outside their comfort zones and to work towards ‘making art’ a conscious career choice.
I am still running a Givealittle crowd funding campaign over the 90 days. I have an open target and the funds are going towards covering flights, shipping for artworks, insuring artwork, the set up of the small workshop to amend and complete unfinished work, the purchase of materials, producing this regular blog and hopefully finishing with a publication to document this special opportunity, as well as many other small things I’m sure I haven’t thought about yet.
Many Thanks in advance to all those who are able to donate, every dollar counts.
Please feel free to share this blog far and wide.