Gallery Protocol . Pre Exhibition
Do :
- do visit the gallery to check out the hanging system and wall structure, is it soft or concrete, do they have a site specific system.
- do check out their website if you are unable to visit, to look at how they display work, or ask specifically in relation to your work.
- do look at what your expectations are for the gallery re display, particularly if your work is 3D, do you expect them to provide display furniture ? eg plinths, jewellery cabinets.
- do check out the lighting, is your work reliant on having extra lights for shadows etc ? Or if your work can't cope with strong lights e.g works under glass.
- if your work is ephemeral, do make sure you clearly understand this in relation to your work and the possible sale of the piece and clearly point this out to the gallery.
- do check out the 'style' of the hang, will it be full curatorial, a gallery/exhibition hang, showcase/sell off the wall, art show, joint community hang etc, and check out if there are any specific requirements for that show e.g quantity/size of work expected, hanging or display that is specific to that show etc.
Don't :
- don't put work in if you do not want it for sale, nfs, without checking that this is acceptable for the gallery, some galleries will have a fee for work that is nfs.
This #ArtBizTip is written in conjunction with Lindsay Antrobus Evnas @lindsantevans, who is a sculptor, curator and technician for 2 galleries. .