
A collection of short videos and publications.


Sharing my process of Match Making 😉😊 in one minute.
Playing with objects that are used daily by millions of people.
Wait for the sneaky macro at the end 🙃🔥


A 3 min look at my 10 week artist residency in Denmark.

A short 10 minute documentary clip on my process, environment and community by Tika Productions

Book Publication : Her Space, by Marilyn Jessen, 2016

Stepping into the creative spaces of more than 50 artistic and inspirational New Zealand women.  Hard covered, 293 pages, 23 cm x 20 cm.   Available from my studio for $40 and some galleries and bookstores. (I am the opening feature with a lovely 5 page spread) 

Her Space Book..jpg

Magazine Publication : Habitat, autumn/winter 2018 

Featuring an Archetypal Leaf sculpture. (Acrylics on cut and sewn canvas)

Habitat magazine.leaf.jpg